– Mike Yoder, President of the Wood-Land-Lakes Land Trust, suggests three actions for preserving farmland: encourage farm businesses, encourage downtown and apartment living, and link economic development with community green space (ex. buy farmland development rights with funds from industry), September 15, 2023.
— Shorter version of the wrap-up report in the Hamilton County Reporter, August 16, 2023.
— Wrap-up report from the Indiana Farmland Event in Sheridan, July 29, 2023.
— Watch the video that time and technology prevented our watching at the July, 2023 event. Angie Doucette, American Farmland Trust’s Midwest Farmland Protection Manager tells us about farmland loss. Also see AFT’s State of the States fact sheet on Indiana.
— Download the flyer for the Indiana Farmland Event in Sheridan, July 29, 2023 here.
— Read the backstory of the Farmland Event in the Hamilton County Reporter, July 13, 2023.